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Jimmy’s Liverpool Announces Closure

Bar and live music venue Jimmy’s has today announced that they plan to close the venue, with their last trading day being Saturday 30th September.

In a statement on their Instagram page, the company confirmed:

“It is with our deepest regret to say that despite our best efforts, we must announce the imminent closure of Jimmy’s Liverpool.

Our last day of trading will be next weekend on Saturday 30th September.

We had an incredible first 6 months when we launched the venue in August 2019 just before COVID, but it’s been an uphill battle since then to keep things going amongst everything that has been happening in the world and particularly the hospitality sector.

The Directors and the staff have done everything possible with various initiatives and events to keep things going but we have been working against post-COVID conditions and a maior downturn in the economy which has become increasingly worse as time has gone by.

We would like to say thank you to evervone who has supported Jimmy’s in Liverpool and been a part of the journey.

It would be great to give Jimmy’s Liverpool the send off it deserves so if you’re in the area please pop in for a pint and a farewell, see a gig, grab a burger and enjoy it one final time from Tuesday through to Saturday this coming week.

This news does not affect our long established Manchester business which will be open as usual.”

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